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Pablo Soria de Lachica Discusses Mexico/EU Trade Talks

In May 2016, Mexico and the European Union launched negotiations to modernize their Free Trade Agreement that entered into force in October 2000. When the third round of these talks happened in April in Brussels, both parties established the end of 2017 as the goal for a completion date. Since then, the two sides have met consistently every five to six weeks in an effort to finalize a deal. International trade expert Pablo Soria de Lachica recently discussed the motivation behind the renewed agreement and provided an updated outlook on the negotiations between Mexico and the European Union. “We want to send a clear signal to the world about the force of strengthening – not weakening – the rules that govern international trade,” EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström said during a May visit to Mexico City. “This is an…

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Pablo Soria de Lachica – On Mexico’s Improving Business Confidence

The Mexican economy has been weathering significant fluctuations over the last several years. A great deal of financial uncertainty in the country followed the election of United States presidential elections in late 2016, contributing to a downturn that carried over into 2017. However, it now appears the nation’s economic climate is on the rebound for the long term. International businessman and foreign exchange expert Pablo Soria de Lachica highlights the factors behind the upward swing, and discusses the improving Business Confidence of the Mexican economy, which includes the retaining of current trade agreements, corporate investments, and lowering inflation rates.   The first quarter of 2017 signaled a decline for Mexico monetarily, with Business Confidence hitting a low mark of 43.53 in February — a stark contrast to September of 2016 when it reached 48.30. Since then, positive overtones from the…

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Pablo Soria de Lachica – Discusses Ways Mexico is Set-Up for Innovation

With the 13th largest economy in the world (11th in terms of purchasing power and 10th most populous), Mexico sits abreast of the largest and most competitive international economic markets of our times. In 2017, the Mexican economy defied lackluster predictions for financial health by posting above average GDP growth, demonstrating resilience in the face of unpopular and aggressive foreign policy tactics from the US Trump Administration to the North. While much of this success was linked to trade—Mexico holds 11 free trade agreements with 46 countries with a total value of imports/exports estimated around 73 percent of Gross Domestic Product, market analyst Pablo Soria de Lachica explains that structural reforms by the current administration have led to a freer private sector, open to dynamic business formations characterized by innovation and technology-driven enterprises. The Mexican government has steadily increased expenditures…

Pablo Soria de Lachica Describe El Interés En Perforación Submarina En Uruguay

Pablo Soria de Lachica Describes Interest in Off-Shore Drilling in Uruguay

Economic diversification plans, aimed at unfolding Uruguay’s hidden potential for hydrocarbon exploration, amid many uncertainties and volatilities of the global petroleum market, are seen as catalyst for the development of the country and are instrumental to the fluidity of trade in the South American region. Pablo Soria de Lachica, globally acclaimed foreign exchange expert and leader in financial services industry, outlines new investment opportunities for off-shore drilling in the Uruguayan coastal basin. News came in as Total, a France-based multinational, integrated energy producer and provider announced to unearth oil and gas from the well 250 kilometers off the Atlantic coastline, in more than 3,400 meters of water, and 3,000 meters below the seabed. Being the first offshore well drilled in Uruguay in the last four decades, the project has attracted a lot of attention from industry experts, traders, and international…

Pablo Soria de Lachica Describe El Interés En Perforación Submarina En Uruguay

Pablo Soria de Lachica Describe El Interés En Perforación Submarina En Uruguay

Los planes de diversificación económica, dirigidos a desplegar el potencial escondido de Uruguay para exploración de hidrocarburos, en medio de las incertidumbres y volatilidad del mercado petrolero global, son vistos como catalizadores para el desarrollo del país y son instrumentales para la fluidez del comercio en la región de América del Sur. Pablo Soria de Lachica, el experto en comercio exterior globalmente aclamado y líder en la industria de los servicios financieros, describe las nuevas oportunidades para perforación submarina en la cuenca costera uruguaya. Se anunció que Total, una empresa multinacional con base en Francia, proveedora y productora de energía integrada anunció que extraería petróleo y gas del pozo localizado a 250 kilómetros de la costa del Atlántico, bajo más de 3,400 metros de agua y 3,000 metros debajo del lecho marino. Al ser el primer pozo petrolero submarino perforado…

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Pablo Soria de Lachica Describes Mexican Budget Plans For 2017

A challenging external environment, including global oil slump, a tightening of monetary policy in the United States, and a slowdown of growth perspectives in emerging market economies (like China, Brazil, and Russia) has significantly battered Mexican peso causing the country to reduce government spending. Pablo Soria de Lachica, a published expert in international trading and business analyst, gives insights into Mexico’s budget plans for the upcoming fiscal year. When oil prices tumbled in 2014, Mexican government decided to open up its state-run oil and gas industry to private sector investment hoping to encourage foreign expertise and capital flow to develop new fields of crude oil and gas. Many believed the new reforms to stimulate liberalization of the petroleum industry and boost the country’s economy by doubling the share of foreign investment in Mexico. However, earlier this year the finance ministry…

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Pablo Soria de Lachica Outlines Consequences of Mexican Loan To Pemex

International trade and foreign investment expert Pablo Soria de Lachica applauded Mexico’s recent $4.4 billion loan to state-owned oil company Pemex. “Infusing Pemex with capital is a strong strategy in both the short- and medium-terms,” he stated. “As a result of this cash influx, the company now has the capability to adapt to the evolving challenges in the global oil market.” Soria de Lachica noted that, given Pemex’s prominent role in the Mexican economy, the company’s capacity to respond to fluctuating prices is critical. “Since the loan, the price of oil has recovered, doubling from $26 per barrel to $52 earlier this month.” According to World Bank forecasts, the cost of petroleum will continue its upward trajectory through 2025. Soria de Lachica views the international financial institution’s confidence in oil futures as further evidence that Mexico’s Pemex investment will have…

Pablo Soria de Lachica – Explica los beneficios para Uruguay de las recientes elecciones en Argentina

Pablo Soria de Lachica – Explica Los Beneficios Para Uruguay de Las Recientes Elecciones en Argentina

Las primeras elecciones con segunda vuelta electoral en la historia electoral presidencial en Argentina terminaron con Mauricio Macri electo como presidente de Argentina. En una votación con segunda vuelta, ningún partido gana por un margen suficientemente grande, lo cual lleva a una segunda votación para determinar al ganador. Al ser un proponente de grandes cambios al sistema económico del país, los resultados de esta elección tendrán un impacto considerable en los países vecinos y sus economías. El líder experto en comercio de divisas Pablo Soria de Lachica ofrece su punto de vista de cómo esta elección beneficiará a Uruguay, a la economía y a sus ciudadanos. Macri es el primer presidente no-radical o peronista que ha sido electo democráticamente desde 1916, derrotando al partido Frente para la Victoria. En una cerrada votación que requirió una segunda vuelta, Macri obtuvo un…

Pablo Soria de Lachica Apoya El Éxito De Los Esfuerzos De Las Inversiones Energéticas De Uruguay

El experto en cambio de divisas (Forex) y comercio, Pablo Soria de Lachica reconoce el éxito de las estrategias de inversiones energéticas actuales de Uruguay como un ejemplo global de políticas que fomentan un clima favorable para los inversionistas. Mediante una clara toma de decisiones, un ambiente regulatorio solidario y seguro y fuertes colaboraciones de los sectores públicos y privados, el país está cultivando una mezcla de energía diversa con atractivas oportunidades de mercado. En los últimos cinco años, la inversión energética se ha incrementado a $7 MM – principalmente en renovables, pero incluyendo gas líquido – o el 15% del PIB anual del país. Pablo Soria de Lachica denota que, según el exdirector nacional de energía de Uruguay, Ramón Méndez, la energía renovable provee el 94.5% de la electricidad – con turbinas eólicas, biomasa, energía solar e hidroeléctrica proporcionando…

Pablo Soria de Lachica – Advises Clients on Advantages of Commodities Trading

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO – The past year has shown a fair share of volatility and opportunity in the realm of commodities trading. In June, Greece became the first industrial nation to default on a loan payment to the IMF, in Europe or anywhere. Time will only tell the effects this will have on the EU and the rest of the globe. When crude oil prices plummeted earlier this year, it was not merely a trend, it was an event. Smart commodities brokers made fortunes for their clients. This September, the world’s first electronic diamond exchange will begin trading in the Singapore Diamond Investment Exchange (source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/business/sing…). There, too, fortunes will be won and lost. Collaborator of Karthoshka, Pablo Soria de Lachica, a foreign exchange specialist, is positioning his clients to stay on top of their transactions in the commodities trading…