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Pablo Soria de Lachica Discusses the Longer-Term Outlook for Bitcoin Prices after Recent Surge

Being the original cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has always been the yardstick for the entire crypto market, historically affecting the price movement of all other digital coins. However, this remains a market characterized by extreme volatility, opaqueness, and lack of regulatory oversight, which has impeded the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies. “Support from large institutional investors is critical for legitimizing Bitcoin and introducing some stability in this market,” says prominent forex broker Pablo Soria de Lachica.“In addition, the cryptocurrency ecosystem needs to inspire confidence in the buying public, which, in turn, would require regulation, transparency, enforcement, and, perhaps most importantly, the acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a viable medium of exchange. Little to no progress has been achieved in these areas since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, and the price of the first digital coin has been on a rollercoaster for most of…

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Pablo Soria de Lachica Examines Reasons Behind the Recent Spike in Bitcoin Prices

The initial months of 2021 became a banner period for Bitcoin, following impressive gains in 2020 despite the impact of the pandemic on the stock market. The original cryptocurrency climbed from about $4,740 in mid-March 2020 to just shy of $30,000 as the yearcame to a close. This momentum carried into 2021, with February witnessing a landmark event: Bitcoin crossed the $50,000 barrier, mainly propelledby news of several major corporations planning to enter the crypto space, among them BNY Mellon and Mastercard. “For all the great developments in early 2021, the two most noteworthy events for the cryptocurrency world so far in the year took place in April, and there is no mistaking the connection between them,” comments renowned forex expert Pablo Soria de Lachica. “The public market welcomed Coinbase, and Bitcoin set a price record, exceeding $63,000 in value…

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Pablo Soria de Lachica on Bitcoin’s Price Response to the Growing Involvement of Large and Institutional Investors

For over a decade now, Bitcoin has fascinated both regular people and investors pursuing the next big thing on the market. Yet, despite commanding headlines, the original cryptocurrency and all the digital coins inspired by it have remained in somewhat of a gray zone, barely scratching the surface of their perceived potential. “While individual investors have helped sustain interest in Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency market has slim chances of becoming a staple of investment portfolios without the support of institutional investors,” comments leading forex broker Pablo Soria de Lachica.“For most of the past decade, most of these investors have been sitting on the sidelines, reluctant to put money into an extremely volatile and barely regulated market. However, they appear to have started changing their position and getting more involved with Bitcoin, which is having a positive impact on the value of…

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Pablo Soria de Lachica Analyzes the Implication of Coinbase IPO for Bitcoin and the Broader Cryptocurrency Market

When Coinbase became a publicly traded company in April 2021, the media hailed the direct listing on Nasdaq as a “pivotal,” “watershed,” “landmark,” and “historic” moment for the digital assets market. By that point, the San Francisco-based cryptocurrency exchange had become the largest sector player in the United States and one of the biggest platforms in the world. “For an industry that has struggled for over a decade to secure legitimacy and appeal to mainstream investors, the Coinbase stock market listing signaled the potential start of a new era,” says acclaimed forex broker Pablo Soria de Lachica. “After all, this is the company whose profound importance for the cryptocurrency ecosystem is reflected in the term the ‘Coin base effect,’ which denotes a surge in the price of a digital asset upon its inclusion in the trading roster of Coinbase and…

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Pablo Soria de Lachica – on the Potential of Ethereum to Become Top Cryptocurrency

As the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin heralded the most exciting period for technology since the creation of the internet. However, in the nine years since it exploded onto the global financial scene, the original crypto coin has, in a way, become a victim of its own success. Its meteoric rise sparked the emergence of over a thousand cryptocurrencies, triggered an investor frenzy, and raised a red flag for regulators. Among the multitude of digital coins vying for attention, only a handful stand out and appear destined for longevity. While none of them is currently close to Bitcoin in terms of market capitalization, industry participants and investors have already spotted gaps in the cryptocurrency’s armor. At the same time, another digital coin has kept gaining prominence, consistently proving its worth beyond purely monetary value. Ethereum (ETH), which arrived almost five years after Bitcoin, has become far more than the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. It is also…

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Pablo Soria de Lachica Highlights Investment Opportunities Created by Mexican Market Liberalization

Following the conclusion of a years long process to liberalize the domestic fuel market, gasoline and diesel prices are no longer subject to government control anywhere in Mexico. As of November 30, the Finance Secretariat (SCHP) announced that fuel prices were fully deregulated, effective immediately, and that it would cease publishing daily maximums. Financial analyst Pablo Soria de Lachica discusses several new investment opportunities that are arising as large oil companies and other players welcome the news of eased government control. Soria de Lachica explains that the liberalization process began in 2013, when Mexico’s government launched a sweeping overhaul of the country’s energy sector that opened the oil, gas and electricity industries to foreign direct investment. Consequently, energy companies and those in related industries, both Mexican and international, recognized sizable opportunities in a rapidly evolving environment — both in the provision of infrastructure and the wholesale of fuel and supplies. Nearly half of the country’s pipelines…

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Pablo Soria de Lachica – Pronostica la caída del peso mexicano a un nivel mínimo histórico desde la elección de Trump

En los meses siguientes a la sorpresa en las elecciones de Estados Unidos en noviembre, los mercados internacionales han estado viviendo una época tumultuosa. La política pública y las relaciones globales en la agenda de la nueva administración han montado el escenario para una caída en los intereses de los negocios mexicanos. Pablo Soria de Lachica predice una debilitación continua del peso conforme las políticas de Trump continúan perturbando el comercio y los resultados económicos. Una combinación de eventos en la región continúa afectando negativamente el valor monetario y el impacto en el sector financiero del país. Con el peso llegando a niveles mínimos históricos al inicio del año, informantes financieros buscaron algún indicio de seguridad. Se espera que reportes recientes de negocios retirándose de proyectos como resultado del llamado del gobierno estadounidense a una reforma al Tratado del Libre…

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Pablo Soria de Lachica – La retirada de Trump del Acuerdo Transpacífico de Cooperación Económica pone en riesgo la influencia de Estados Unidos en Asia

El 23 de enero de 2017 el presidente Donald Trump firmó un memorándum para retirar oficialmente a Estados Unidos del Acuerdo Transpacífico de Cooperación Económica (TPP por sus siglas en inglés). Trump ya había afirmado en noviembre, cuando aún era presidente electo, que sacaría a Estados Unidos del acuerdo. Varios expertos en finanzas han criticado este acto, incluido el especialista en divisas extranjeras Pablo Soria de Lachica. Consejero financiero y experto en Forex autodidacta con una larga lista de galardones, Soria de Lachica ha criticado abiertamente al Presidente Trump desde hace un tiempo, señalando las posibles y desastrosas consecuencias a largo plazo de las políticas que propone. Como antiguo asesor en las relaciones económicas entre Estados Unidos y América Central, ha comentado que si Trump lleva a cambo las promesas electorales relativas a México, Estados Unidos podría perder billones de…

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Pablo Soria de Lachica – Habla sobre las consecuencias de la prohibición de viaje de Trump

El 27 de enero, una semana después de su toma de posesión, el presidente estadounidense Donald Trump firmó una controvertida prohibición de viaje que impidió entrar en los Estados Unidos a ciudadanos de siete países de mayoría musulmana, incluso a las personas con Green Card – es decir, residentes legales permanentes en los Estados Unidos. Ello resultó en episodios de caos y confusión en aeropuertos de todo el país, así como en protestas en todo el mundo, ya que tanto a los visitantes recién llegados como a las personas que, simplemente, regresaban a los que habían sido sus hogares desde hacía mucho tiempo en los Estados Unidos, se les prohibió la entrada o fueron temporalmente detenidos y acosados. La orden fue bloqueada posteriormente por los tribunales federales, pero Trump procedió con una segunda orden ejecutiva, revisada el 7 de marzo,…

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Pablo Soria de Lachica – Sobre el plan de la UE para llenar el vacío en el comercio mundial que ha dejado la Administración Trump

Although the new administration of the United States is still in its early stages, Donald Trump has made clear his protectionist stance in international trade. Much of the president’s campaign revolved around declarations that it would restrict American trade and renegotiate or withdraw established treaties, including NAFTA with Mexico and Canada. Assuming Trump maintains its focus on America First, analysts around the world are predicting a slowdown in trade that would seriously damage the world economy. However, Mexican currency expert Pablo Soria de Lachicais hopeful that the strong leadership of the European Union will unite Asia, the Middle East and Latin American economic powers into market-opening alliances that would effectively fill any fall in trade left by the United States. . Sachsa of Lachica said that even before Trump’s inauguration, European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom announced that the 28-nation bloc…