Pablo Soria de Lachica - Recommends Profitable CFD Indices

Pablo Soria de Lachica – Recommends Profitable CFD Indices

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO – Pablo Soria de Lachica, an internationally acclaimed broker and Director of Business Development at Kartoshka, has outlined some of the most profitable CFD (Contract For Difference) indices, the emergence of which as a tradable financial product has been one of the most exciting developments in trading over the past few decades. A CFD is the difference in value between when a trade was entered and when it was exited. This financial derivative mirrors the movements of the actual underlying asset and allows a trader to benefit from the profits or losses of that asset without ever owning it. Thus, CFD trading has a number of advantages, which have contributed to its popularity. “One of the greatest advantages of CFDs is that they provide much higher leverage than traditional trading,” Soria de Lachica reveals. “As such, they…